Litblog Roundup

Observations of topics and trends from across the literary internet.

Twice-monthly column published at 2015-2017.

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Litblog Roundup

Litblog Roundup was a column published on It covered topics and trends from across the literary internet.

Starting with blogs, but also surveying social media, podcasts, and video platforms, the column reviewed the larger conversation about books, writing, publishing and all things literary particularly as they related to the ever-changing technology of the time.

During this time we saw the rise of the so-called “cancel-culture” and serious questions developing about the affect of social media on political rhetoric. It was also the dawn of tik-tok, which created a new medium for short-form video narrative, and streaming for live online conversation.

Although the LitBlog RoundUp column has ended, I still write this way on my personal blog .

I’ve anthologized the column here, and I’m working on some revisions to make the content more “evergreen” now that it is several years old. Some links are broken and so portions of the content have become irrelevant, while others can be revised.

Table of Contents