Driver's Side Airbag No. 39
by . P.O. Box 25760, Los Angeles, California 90025.
Book Review by Michael Basinski
So, Driver’s Side Airbag is one of those places where along the poetry path of life one stops for a beer, a smoke, a piece of greasy chicken, noodle salad, candy bar, urinate, and to check the map. Now the map is 60 pages fat with all you need to think about. It should be read so read: addresses and poems, and collages and advertisements from friends of the outsider family, and prose and prose and cartoons. A real bowkay! OK? OK! So who do you get: Robert W. Howlington, Blair Wilson, Thaddeus Rutkowski, Mike Diana, Malok. Just think of these artists out there in Wisconsin and Oregon and Dallas and New York and Florida. Wouldn’t you rather be there, than watching the final season episode of Malcolm in the Middle? Well you can, if you weren’t so lazy and cheap. If you have gotten this far make the leap of faith. Atta girl. Atta boy.
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