A Penny Face Up
by Lee Gurga. Tel-let, 325 W. Tyler, Apt. B., Charleston, IL. 61920-1865.
Book Review by Michael Basinski
This is a book of haiku by American haiku-er genius Lee Gurga, master in controller of form haiku. Now, you should know if you have not, good reader, figured it out, that haiku is the ruling form of American poetry. Gurga is among those spreading the seeds. I have already written more words than in this entire little good book by Gurga. Let’s say, in this book is one of the best all time haiku or any ku or any poem ever written (buy the book - published by John Martone - send him some stamps and money). Here’s the poem, a poem that can only be in the haiku form for maximum impact:
what to do?
a penny face up
in the urinal
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