The Band Only a Mother Could Love
by The Bubbadinos. Zerx Press #021 - CD. Mark Weber, 725 Van Buren Place SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87108.
Book Review by Michael Basinski For the past several years Mark Weber, poet of western Oki California arrests and wine and people guitar hub-cap backporch cigarette trembling songster house painter (who are also publisher of countless tremendous books from Zrex Press - and best poet of New Mexico) has been spending tidal waves of energy on music and as a result - this is one holy result: The Band Only a Mother Could Love, which is a 25 track CD of wonderfully spun both traditional and other musics and songs by Weber and they does Clementine, Yankee Doodle, Amazing Grace, You Are My Sunshine, and etc. like if sand and glass and blood were the mucus sent in rivers by the Gods. It is easy to say you have to hear it but you have to hear it. And once you hear it you say, I gotta hear it again. And again. It grows and grows the great mountains and deserts and desserts of Alballquerkey, New MeixiGO!!
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