Exit 13 Magazine
by Editor/Publisher: Tom Plante. No. 9 2000. P.O. Box 423, Fanwood, New Jersey, 07023-1162
Book Review by Michael Basinski
In 1987, near Exit 13 in and around Elizabeth, New Jersey, Exit 13 Magazine occurred in the mind of Tom Plante, and it drives on now into the waning of year 2000. Portals into poetry in this issue include a poem by (King) Charles Bukowski, which editor Plante received more than 10 years ago and now for the first time the poem finds print and light. And a wonderful Bukowski poem it is. In it the poet is attempting to locate blackheads instead of writing poetry or is poetry blackheads? Well, poetry is to ponder. And also enclosed here poems by (a wonderful one as always from King of Progressives) Richard Kostelanetz; (a bouquet - my favorite is Jazz Dog) by Charles Plymell (picture of poet page 33 on) - he writes, “dolphins may turn out to be/ like Buddhists who took to the sea.”; and Scot Roskos - the BIG HAMMER god! - of happy guts of poetry and hearts pounding! and Ed Smith; and Gerald Stern - now - see - A national Book Award Winner does not have to be arrogant - his work right here in the poetry magazine with Bukowski and M. E. Grow. Let’s not forget the women: Anne Britting Oleson; Kathe Palka Nicole Melanson etc. Let’s not forget: Noteworthy Books, Back Issues Available and Poets World! Let’s not forget editor Tom’s work on page 24: Care to Dance? Check it out: take exist 13 home for the holly days, holidays or Helladaze.
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