AlbuzerxQue. Volume 7
by Mark Weber. Zerx 037. CD. 2002.
Book Review by Michael Basinski
Mark Weber’s project recording, CD, studio with musician project becomes more interseting with each CD issued by Zerx. He is the poet using the CD as a unit for his collage composition. This one meshes Todd Moore’s voice reading a poem and Ray Zepeda’s voice reading a poem (a real poem, a great poem about automobile rims) and Mark Weber’s beautiful sanding voice and a 6th and 7th grade orchestra playing a piece called Rainy March 1999. And some ol’ time, sounds to me - I ain’t no music critic - some old time black and white dance music on the side of the highway played by Okie pickers at a dance on Friday in the 1940s. This is all the people making their music in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I am hearing a world of people. And this includes new music also performed in art galleries. It is all a music of the other and outer world. Weber knows also that poetry is music. I mean, and here it is on a CD. Music belongs to all different kinda folk. These things are like gloves in January in Detroit.
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