Big Hammer No. 5
by Edited by Dave Roskos. Big Hammer. P.O. Box 54 Manasquan, NJ, 08736.
Book Review by Michael Basinski
Big Hammer being the baby of Dave Roskos is then also the magnificent, magnificent and majestic beginning this issue with Other Alfred Kreymborg and having within this surge of verity the wonderful populace and department store of poetry works by Beth Borrus, Gerald Locklin, Lamont Steptoe, A. D. Winans - ah so many more of our great lean and hungry word panthers creeping about the bus stops and eating carrots in the night by fire engines and dreaming of zebras and bowling alleys, worrying about the price of cigarettes and gas, but giving us, the we the people, a solid stiff shot of dose of poetry - nope not DOZE - I said dose as in sweet and bitter real shoes.