Basinski's Book Reviews

Window: 9/11

by Eve Packer + Noah Howard. CD. Altsax Records. Northcountry Cadence Bldg. Redwood, New York 13679

Book Review by

HERE! Hear. Here is a single CD response to the horrors of 9/11 New York resident poet Eve Packer opening heart open ears hear here recordings of her poem about incident terror as they occurred and reoccur in memory, 9/11 continue to be unforgettable 9/11 hear her poem as there were no birds in south Manhattan but Eve is a bird, 9/11 bird’s still sing song with the heart, with heart pumping blood south of 14th and at the White Horse she is song, song still and song alive with action and flying and merge with New York horn sound without the twin towers still Noah Howard horns Amazing Grace and Somewhere Over the Rainbow. New York is still. New York is still alive. And there still are birds.

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