by Andrew Topel. 2002. Avantacular Press. 1813 Belmar Drive A5, Fort Collins, CO. 80526
Book Review by Michael Basinski
So while we are reading some Topel, let’s read some more Topel. Topel explodes so your mind, as they write, gets blown?apart and the mind gets blown so that witch, which is underneath and in back off - that is in back of the mind is the imagination is now there as in HERE. As in hear it happen. Variously the puzzles - cross-words and fragments. Get it! Cross Word puzzel or cross out word puzzel. As the puzzel appears that is falls apart, is blow apart the imagination of the great puzzel maker of creativity steps forward like some alien and or god and the ordered reality of the world, pox upon it - the dictionary and meaning, now expands. Expand. The elastic waist band has smashed all their instruments and the gods have come marching into the city of the mundane. Topel on a puzzel horse. And the poet populace tossing bits of jig-saw puzzel towards the moon so all the pieces make a lovely rain from which there is no umbrella, so drink.