Keep It Off
by Theodore Knapsack. 200. 3 Nevada Street, Syosset, NY 11791.
Book Review by Michael Basinski
The young poet’s first experience within that realm of art that is the other brings intoxication. For some it brings nearly instant death and for others it brings nearly endless ecstasy. Knapsack is a young poet and this is Knapsack’s first book. Who knows which way he will go? And ? it do not matter. What if this guy jumps ship like Hart Crane! Think of it. You read about him here! And if you send the $3.47! Think of it, you will have his first book! So let’s go against the grain and look at the new guy’s work. Knapsack sings the poem. They are songs, sung poems, or heavily influenced by youthful listening to pop song - the most prevalent and popular form of contemporary poetry. And the poems engage intense and heavy love and or drug use. Perhaps they are one in the same, which is then the message of work. Knapsack embraces his darkness from which these letters are sent out to this world. If Santa had these to distribute as gifts, I guess they would be left under the trees of lions, crocodiles, sharks or street kids, undergrounders, zinesters and the world of the other people. Maybe leave Santa a cookie and a Winston and you might get lucky.