The End of the Road that Never Ends
by M. A. Solars. limited to 50 hand-numbered copies with holograph by the author. 18 pages. Kirpan Press, PO Box 2943 Vancouver WA. 98668-2943.
Book Review by Michael Basinski
Here’s another beauty book made by Horvath of Kirpan! He is the great maker editor of books of the small press. Write for his catalog and get them all before the book dealers start to charge an arm, leg, tooth, first born, mother, last rhino, pyramid. And Solars here is a delight earth poet collection - thank the Democrats that there is still enough nature for poets like Solars, who meld and merge with that ancient thing of ours. Yep, poetry and earth nature here one thing the partners becoming one dance. Solars’s poetry sprouts from the earth, earth poet and nature exchange images for contemplative juxtapositions with humanness in its many pleasantries and complications. A beautiful forest and comet reflective and wonder cake! Have a piece! It’s your birth earth day.