Letters to Unfinished J.
by Sheila E. Murphy. 2003. Potes and Poets Press, Ten Acres Dr. Bedford, MA 01730-2019
Book Review by Michael Basinski
J. by Sheila E. Murphy.** 2003. 100 pages. $10.95 Green Integer: www.greeninteger.com by Sheila E. Murphy. 2003 88 pages.
Write for price: Potes and Poets Press, Ten Acres Dr. Bedford, MA 01730-2019 www.potespoets.org
Here are two new books by Sheila Murphy that express the vast horizon of her abilities as a poet because they are cast in forms quite unlike each other. She produces so much poetry one wonders if she has time to sleep or how many Sheila Murphy’s are there? Which is not a bad question considering the vast number of forms and types of poems she has mastered. And I should add also that she works! This is not someone who has the time to gaze at cactus! So I would suggest that there are many imaginations and what any poet can learn from Sheila Murphy’s work is be unafraid of the essence of poetry and forget about form because in all her work there is pleasure of words. In Letters to Unfinished J. there is the shifting focus of Gertrude like Tender Buttons and in Green Tea the almost haiku like clarity of the heightened instant in a human life. All always there is this technical perfection. Again, fear not, the perfect is in part of each everyone and us (perhaps less in some ’ but you know what I mean). So what does this reading give one? This poetry grants you avenues into the imagination, more than one considered possible. Interested in her work for your mag or want to write a fan letter: Write to her: Sheila Murphy, 3701 E. Monterossa No. 3, Phoenix AZ 85018-4848.
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