by K. M. Dersley. Appliance Books, 43 Transmere Grove, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 6DU, UK.
Book Review by Michael Basinski
OK, so in this series besides Locklin’s Jimmy Abbey Stays for the Drum Circle is: A Tale of the British Beatniks by K. M. Dersley; Bopper by Jim Burns; Are You Now or Have You Ever Been? by A. D. Winans; and it continues on so you know that here you are gunna score, so get out the pencil and moist up the tip and pull out the near empty wallet (but the good thing only $3.00 A POP! What aint half bad!) And write for all these and others and you wanna know K. M. Dersley anyway ’ if yo er in The LAND of ENGs and wanna send your poetry other than to your neighbor across the hall (who can’t read anyway) so just do this thing for crying out loud! But let’s tear open this bag of chips by Gerald Locklin. A fast tight short story it are featuring Locklin’s lusty Jimmy Abbey and is Locklin at his ironic and joy packed, humoristic horny best with twist of splendid ending the way fiction should be in these complicated times of unreadable egghead prose. Not Locklin who is writing prose for the Home Depot guy balding in plumbing telling me how to fix my toilet by saying, ‘You know what I mean ’ the thingy?’ Here in Locklin prose the body is mind! Here in Locklin’s short story the imagination fires up the balls! Maybe blue balls! Read the story - $3.00 bucks! Less than a gallon of gas in Bush’s America.
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