I Saw the Best Minds of My Generation
by A. D. Winans. December 2003. 12 Gauge Press, 142 Avenida Perlayo, Unit C., San Clemente, CA. 92672.
Book Review by Michael Basinski
Winans is by far one of our best all around, succinct and absolutely faith filled blue-collar loyal, lit of society proponent, truth intoxicated, small press entrepreneur and kingundergroundpoet of the last 4 decades. I Saw the Best Minds of My Generation by A. D. Winans is a one poem book and a storm of small press axe and sword and bone slicing hacksaw poetry it are! Obviously it engages Allen Ginsberg and the cover is set up like a City Lights book. And what’s it about… let me quote a bit from Winans: ‘…starving hysterical naked under fashion designer clothes…’ See. Now I like Alien Ginsberg’s poems a lot and the world of poem would be a worst pile of shit if not for him. Nevertheless, Beat and all is too human and therefore corrupt. BNAG and BANG! It is all too true and A. D. Winans:: open the sky for the stars.
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