Bottle #2. 2004.
by Bottle of Smoke Press. 50 Loch Lomond Street, Bear, DE 19701.
Book Review by Michael Basinski
Jon Edgar and Gypsy Lou Webb image cut by Marc Snyder on cover them two from The Outsider! AH! Delight to pay homage to those that have made small press a place with a history and a tradition! So ’ good poets! Don’t let the academic monsters tell you that small press is not rooted in a form of poetic thought that extends back to the 1950s. Why? Because the line is there! BOS is Bottle of Smoke ’ I just figured that out and this BOTTLE is an all broadside magazine which I didn’t have to figure out cause when I opened it all the broadsides fell out! Started off with A. D. Winans ‘66’ which has to do with his age and his, ‘hose still hard/but no one to man it.’ Justin Barrett’s beer poem what is called by Justin Barrett, Six-Pack. And I think of Gerald Locklin’s beer poem, which isn’t in this magazine, but in this magazine is Locklin’s Whistler: Mrs. Meux ’ which has that wonderful Locklinesque twist of common sense - …He does this so well that it has got to be called the Locklin Twist! And Locklin’s publisher is Jeffrey Weinberg and Jeffrey Weinberg has in here a poem also ’ it about attending a poetry reading with Ralph Waldo Emerson - Longfellow was the poet reading in the dream of Weinberg poem! What a party! I can’t mention everybody in the (this) Bottle but the editing and gathering of these poems in this format makes it/them readable and fun and allows you take one poem out and tack to the wall, magnet it to the frig, set up in from the wine bottle and enjoy enjoy twice.
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