Basinski's Book Reviews


by Tom Kryss. Kirpan Press, P.O. Box 2943, Vancouver, WA 98668-2943. $10.00.

Book Review by

Horse is a new poem by Cleveland poet/ Black Rabbit Press publisher Tom Kryss, Kryss of the 1960s of levy Cleveland and Runcible Spoon Press friend of d. r. Wagner and Jim Lowell. Kryss of Cleveland over the decades up ands down steel and stadiums and rock and roll hall of fame where in sits Janis Joplin’s flower power car. Kryss, here he delivers this poem ’ in form of a book ’ about his 25th or 32nd book or so what is called as in a title: “Horse. An old horse Kryss maybe or a life ’ mine - yours - now a bit older still traveling throughout the universe of America and in the deserts of our life times and out and contemplation involving threat treat teat the great American mythic western self oh Horses we all is still traveling along until Horse merges with the world around himself the mountains of the mind. Dynomitic dynamic and warmly heartfelt soul true feeling and images of all living and Tom Kryss Terrific!”

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