Des Imagistes: Some Imagist Poems
update: This book is available in EPUB and Kindle format. Although the book has been auto-converted , it is still mostly legible, on an e-reader, ipad, etc. It probably won’t be long before someone (me?) uses the HTML version of the text to make a copy that reads well in those formats. Until then, this PDF is still the best version.
Download ‘Des imagistes, an anthology’ (1914)
Des Imagistes was the first anthology of imagist poems, created by the Imagism movement. Imagism was conceived by Ezra Pound, H.D., and Richard Aldington in 1912. Pound explains the tenets of imagism as the following:
- Direct treatment of the ’thing’ whether subjective or objective.
- To use absolutely no word that does not contribute to the presentation.
- As regarding rhythm: to compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of a metronome.
Though a relatively short-lived poetic movement, imagism was central in defining English-language modernist poetry.
<figure class="post-image"> <img src="/assets/img/des_imagistes.webp" alt="Des Imagistes: An Anthology" loading="lazy" /> </figure> Des Imagistes: Imagist Poems
Des Imagistes was published in 1914 by the Poetry Bookshop in London. In America it was issued both in book form and simultaneously in the literary periodical The Glebe for February 1914. This book contains poems by Richard Aldington, H. D., F. S. Flint, Amy Lowell, William Carlos Williams and Ezra Pound.
Finally, this very rare book has been published online, for all to read at . You can also download a PDF of the original book .
If you like vivid, precise poetry, Des Imagistes is a book you’ll enjoy.
source: Grand Text Auto
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