rants, raves, and writings by Dylan Kinnett


On more than one occasion, the artist Marcel Duchamp published some unusual written works. Rather than to write and produce a book, the artist chose to produce, in limited edition, a box full of reproductions of small handwritten and drawn notes, not unlike a database, or a file-share of an artist’s hard drive.

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"False Start" by Jonah Bokaer

Jonah Bokaer is a choreographer who experiments with computer models of the human body. By simulating iterations of movements until they verge upon the impossible, he is able to find new movements that are possible, with training.

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The book Traumgedanken (“Thoughts on dreams”) contains a collection of literary, philosophical, psychological and scientifical texts which provide an insight into different dream theories. To ease the access to the elusive topic, the book is designed as a model of a dream about dreaming.

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Writing with Audio

When it comes to audio equipment for spoken word performances: what works and what doesn’t? How can I impprove my sound, on the smallest possible budget?

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Space is the Place

Sun Ra had registered as a conscientious objector when drafted to fight in the Second World War, citing the absence of African-Americans on the draft board as his reason.

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