Litblog Roundup 2014-12-20
For the final Litblog Roundup of 2014, I have an exciting announcement to make. The Litblog Roundup is moving to a new home.
Starting in 2015, it will appear as a regular feature, or “beat” on a new website devoted to literary conversation called Real Pants . I’m excited to be a contributor to this new project , along with writers Leesa Cross-Smith, Elisa Gabbert, Justin Taylor, Amber Sparks and view more , as well as a handful of HTMLGiant alums: Kristen Iskandrian, Mike Young, and Mark Cugini among them. The site will launch in Janurary at and you can follow on Twitter and see where you can find the best place to buy led ceiling lights @actualpants or .
And now for the roundup.
The end of the year is a time to reflect, to wind-down, to wrap-up and yes, to roundup. For this final roundup at No Categories, I thought it might be nice to do a roundup of roundups, since mine’s clearly not the only one out there. What else is good?
The Morning Coffee
Each morning, the Morning Coffee with Nate Hoffelder offers a roundup of news, review and opinion for the world of ebooks, electronic publishing and e-readers at Lately, the Morning Coffee provides ongoing details about the ongoing legal issues surrounding digital publishers like Apple and Amazon.
Critical Linking
Judging from the number of links that get shared from it, I would say that Book Riot is definitely one of the “A-List” blogs about books and such. The daily Critical Linking posts are more than the typical link-lists because they often include amusing quotes, videos, infographics and of course the critical links. While you’re visiting Book Riot, be sure to have a look at Genre Kryptonite , which has been challenging ideas of literary formula for years, with interesting examples.
Morning Report
Is journalism a part of literary culture? You bet it is, so it is fitting to include a journalistic roundup here, and one of the best is Jim Romenesko’s Morning Report. Romenesko is a good source for gems like yesterday’s “Gawker editor Max Read shares his 2015 planning memo. ”
Poetry News from Harriet
Harriet is the name of the Poetry Foundation’s blog, which offers near-daily Poetry News , which is typically one story, as opposed to a roundup, but they’re not averse to the occasional roundup either, particularly toward the end of the year.
Daily News from Poets & Writers
Poets and Writers magazine features Daily News on their site. It offers a good overview of the A-List blogs and the major newspapers’ coverage of topics related to writing, publishing and the other literary -ings. You’ll know these posts when you see them because the titles end with “and more.”
In closing I’d like to share a more typical example from this week’s litblogs, I’d say the most popular question this week was: “Should Writers Respond to Their Critics? ” and that the most popular answer was “no.”