Sun Ra Jazz Listening Party
How do you talk about a musician from another planet, anyway?
Fluxus Scores: works that writing cannot contain or control.
In many ways, most Fluxus 'scores' (for music or other kinds of performance and/or composition) are fairly legible as scripts for performance/enactment; i.e. the text comes first and the performance after (if at all). Certainly, one of the interventions (and charms) of Fluxus scores were the openness of the scores, where interpretation and chance were much more important than following the letter of the law, as one might in traditional sheet music, for example. As such, reading Fluxus scores as performance texts allows us to see how writing can activate art/life works that writing cannot contain or control. —How to make us flux: Scores/scripts/instructions | Jacket2
Litblog Roundup 30
Do writers get picky about music? Are E-books sufficiently advanced? What’s up with the new line of books coming out? All this and more in a new installment of the Litblog Roundup, a bi-weekly overview of topics, trends and highlights from the literary Internet.
There are No Categories for Music Genre
I know it’s becoming unfashionable to actually own a digital copy of music anymore, but that doesn’t change the fact that I have several thousand songs that I have collected over the years. Lately I’ve become interested in cleaning up the information about my music library, the metadata tags that describe the music’s genre, in particular. I’d like to be able to kick back with my iphone or whatever and quickly scroll through a list of genres. I’d like for that list to help me easily answer the question “what kind of music do I want to listen to right now”. Sadly, nearly all the music in my collection has a genre tag that is way too general “alternative” or way too specific “pre-punk indie rock” to be very good.
Write Nite
As a featured performer at the Preservation Pub in Knoxville, I provided some antics, with an early rendition of my routine, What’s the Catch? Special thanks to the friends who helped me to collect all those analogue telephones to use as props.
It matters little if the deformed word becomes ambiguous. It will marry itself to the onomatopoetic harmonies, or the noise-summaries, and will permit us soon to reach the onomatopoetic psychic harmony, the sonorous but abstract expression of an emotion or a pure thought.
It matters little if the deformed word becomes ambiguous. It will marry itself to the onomatopoetic harmonies, or the noise-summaries, and will permit us soon to reach the onomatopoetic psychic harmony, the sonorous but abstract expression of an emotion or a pure thought. —F.T. Marinetti Destruction of Syntax–Imagination without strings–Words-in-Freedom
Space is the Place
Sun Ra had registered as a conscientious objector when drafted to fight in the Second World War, citing the absence of African-Americans on the draft board as his reason.
Second Land
Second Land is an audio/visual collective. We use vintage tape machines, acoustic instruments and electronic devices to create improvisational performances.
Roulette TV: New and Experimental Music
Infinity’s Kitchen dabbles, ever so slightly, with experimental music, as well as literature. The opening release party for our publication featured several musical acts. If you like that sort of stuff, check out Roulette TV.
Major Miner: intro
Welcome to MajorMiner's music labeling game.