Mental Ground
by Esther Tellerman. translated from the French by Keith Waldrop. Burning Deck, 17 Elmgrove Avenue, Providence, RI, 02906. 2002. 80 pages.
Book Review by Michael Basinski
I read, on page 49, Nothing will be disclosed/ but stone to dissolve/ at the border…. And it was then at that point that I had to return to poem one and begin reading again to be within the poetry which was my car, I within it, parked by a lake and geese overhead. And with my next breath moist on the window, it is now cold in Buffalo, I was released again, as I am by great poetry to travel within my life. To knock away the dirty dishes and the rising gas prices and the upcoming Bush war, such pleasure to dissolve the stone. And it was only two in the afternoon and I had pleasantly the rest of the half day and full night the do without borders and the meaning of the gas bill and again be, as I was when I was a boy, and first that poetry, poems like these, allowed people like me, and you, access, free and open, to other real realms.