by Edited by Jonathan Skinner. Fall 2002. 106 Huntington Avenue, Buffalo, New York, 14214 USA.

Book Review by

Let’s start by writing (what small press has now known for decades) that the poem and poetry can’t be separated form from that real world of what is happening. And this real natural world is under attack by organized oil lusting egos, to name some, and a lot of insensitivity and a lot of unconcern and dumbness. This proposal of ECOPOETICS then acts as a bridge between the art writing world and the natural world. That bridge, that Bridge of Hart Crane’s and that rainbow bridge! ECOPOETICS is published biannually and dedicated to exploring creative-critical edges between writing (with an emphasis on poetry) and ecology (The theory and praxis of deliberate earthlings). So - we got wild art and the wild earth! Seems like a seam to me and a seemingly steamingly good stew. Jonathan Skinner, one can’t say enough about his commitment to a democratic world. So cheer him on with a few dollars. He is the best-committed editor and poet of true merge ECO-live-writing poem. Damn, I just wish there were a few more poets like JS and editors like JS who would guts come out and step to the left! We could all have a blast! And live better at that. So, in the midst of all the art for arty arty art. There is ECOPOETICS. Hear ye here some of the last names of those within: And, Barron, Bellamy, Berrigan, Collom, Kostelanetz, Manson, Quasha, Rothenberg, Spahr, Skinner, Swenson, Zanzotto! And a lot more more. 178 pages. Printed on recycled paper. The covers are tree free. Yeah, it can and must be done.

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