Basinski's Book Reviews

CorrespnDances No. 2.

by Editor: Tartarugo. Apartado 822, 36280 Vigo Spain.

Book Review by

Ah, a great magazine for those interested in pushing the visual poetry/mail art Flux-work wing of this small press of ours. Nothing of the ordinary ’ therefore packed full or the extraordinary! And smart too. John Held Jr. essay and essay by Anna Banana in here and also Tom Hibbard writing on Luc Fierens. Get in the mail art vein with this magazine and go for it. To write, write that is with pen and ink and glue and walk to the real post office is a political act in this very repressive time in which we exist. Get off the internet. I agree with that song by Le Tigre! And a way to get back into the political and to be in art is simply engage primary creativity. Do it here. Here is a portal to a network. There are ample pages of reviews and addresses of a heap of other mail art/visual poetry/flux stuff. Here is a great fate of experimentalism in one united joy out there in mail land. Again Lots of engaging Vis poem here also draped on the pages. No fraud poisonous insect poets passing around their egos! Stop hiding your visual poetry in your socks! Stop sending your mail art only to your grandmother. Get ye to CorrdenaDance and do dance ’ polka, twist, bend Limbo locomotion of worts into wroms and waort and wAAAArt!

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