The Leveling Wind
by Kell Robertson. ISBN 0-9675226-8-4. 52 pages. Pathwise Press, PO Box 2392, Bloomington, IN. 47402.
Book Review by Michael Basinski
Well, yeah, I have heard the name of Kell Robertson and maybe read a poem here and there. Maybe I have seen him in a picture in North Beach cowboy hat with A. D. Winans. Maybe not. Maybe it was his magazine, was it Desperado? And some say he is a cowboy poet. I don’t know from cowboys but poets I have some sense of. So I began to read this collection: The Leveling Wind, and I said, well yeah, this is about the west and places where they have cowboys and such and saloons but I said out loud to meself, ‘Self, this is all about poetry.’ And then I got to the poem Kansas Goddess and the Goddess has a yellow Buick convertible and there were billboards advertising cheapness. And you know who she is but who is, is also that other that is the poem and poetry and as Kell Robertson writes in his poem ’ a poem about the insect song of the heart and soul of a writer, he writes in his poem: Song, ‘all of the noises heard in the dark/ aren’t imaginary.’
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