Poesy: A Publication for Poetry and the Arts
by Poesy. Issue 16. Spring 2002. C/o Brian Morrisey, 106 Campbell Street No. 5, Santa Cruz, CA. 95060.
Book Review by Michael Basinski
Poesy is passion for poetry - Brain Morrisey’s passion and Doug Holder’s passion. Passion. Even in these dark days of oil drilling and war there are those for whom the poem becomes the all. Here it is folks. In this most wonderful issue is a most interesting interview with R. D. (Raindog) Armstrong editor and publisher of Lummox and poems by Edward Obuszewski, Mark Wisniewski and Radomir Luza Jr. Wisniewski’s poem sticks in mind. It relates the abouts first love of wild, that is grown up, woman, real woman. And also there are poems by David, Kelley, Alan, Kurt and Ryan. And work by Gerald Zipper. And work by Arthur Knight and Alan Catlin and A. D. Winans. And there are reviews. Well - you get the drift. The magazine is about poetry and these editors work to get the good poem in print. Do not have to be the poem of the worshiped. But the good made sandwich - good with lots of ham and mustard and a banana and horseradish and zebra puke, refrigerators, sorrow and sunshine. And see Holder’s article: “Bold Enough to Never Give Up.” Seems like a good enough definition of this magazine. I give it five out five yeses: yes yes yes yes yes.
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