Murderous Signs - Issue 5. 2002.
by Murderous Signs. Grunge Papers. PO Box 53106, Ottawa, ON, K1N 1C5, Canada
Book Review by Michael Basinski
Murderous Signs is a literary zine and although it calls itself a zine, and it is, is also mighty literary. A most amazing editorial by editor Grant Wilkins about books and bookstores - like in his local bookstore - 55 feet of shelf space for self-help books, 70 different for Dummies titles but no books by the Greek poet Hesiod. And the issue features the epiphanistic poetry of April A. Severin and a selection of letters by most exciting innovative poet J. W. Curry, in which his vast intelligence comments on the state of Canadian poetry and poetry in general. His most excellent and expansive mind and intellect roar a lighthouse lightning storm in our dull darkness. All that a zine should we have here - it carries us to a new place in poetry. DA LIGHT! DA LIGHT! SEE DA LIGHT!
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